Base Stats
Strength: 83
Intellect: 83
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 69
Wisdom: 24
Luck: 17
Auto Attack
Rank Needed: 1 Mana Cost: 0 Mana Cooldown: 2 Seconds Type: Physical Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. | |
Super Taster
Mana Cost: 15 Mana Cooldown: 5 Seconds Type: Magical Description: Summons a Super Taster to bite your foe, causing a DoT and slowing your enemy for 6 seconds. | |
I Just Want Your Half
Rank Needed: 2 Mana Cost: 20 Mana Cooldown: 3 Seconds Type: Magical Description: Take a small amount of you foe's life force and heal yourself for a small amount. | |
We Want A Rock
Rank Needed: 3 Mana Cost: 20 Mana Cooldown: 10 Seconds Type: Magical Description: Petrify your opponent for 4 seconds but applies a DoT to you. | |
Mass Of Incandescent Gas
Rank Needed: 5 Mana Cost: 30 Mana Cooldown: 10 Seconds Type: Magical Description: Create a tiny SUN causing massive damage. Applies a DoT and reduces the damage the enemy does for 10 seconds. |
Passive Abilities | |||
I've Got A Fang
Rank Needed: 4 Type: Passive Description: Increase Damage Output by 20% |
Hot Cha
Rank Needed: 4 Type: Passive Description:Increase Haste by 20% | ||
Can't Keep Johnny Down Rank Needed: 10 Type: Passive Description: Randomly, on hit, fully refills your mana. |
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